Bestseller wanted to raise awareness in Canada and the US of their popular European brand. Growth in North America is an important company initiative.
Primary objectives of the partnership with Extole were to accelerate new customer acquisition and re-engage existing customers throughout the customer journey.
Bestseller benefited from Extole's unique on-site launch service designed to speed implementation and get results quickly. In one day, the Extole team working alongside Bestseller marketers launched four referral programs for two brands in two markets, the U.S. and Canada. Holiday promotion, spikes, sales, and sharing. In December, Bestseller pushed out a week-long, dedicated email promotion framed around the holidays. The promotion doubled revenue from the previous week and generated 16 times more advocate sharing. Language localization is critical to Bestseller's success, and they greatly appreciated the ease of adjusting Extole's creative, which has built-in French, Spanish, and English versions.