Referral Incentive Programs

Referral incentive programs at times can seem difficult to setup. What can appear to be many moving parts is simply reaching as wide an audience as possible, as often as possible. Deciding on the type of referral incentive to use is what troubles most companies.

You can overcome those moving parts using Extole by getting down to the real reason to setup a referral incentive program in the first place; retain existing customers while also gaining new ones.

Extole’s experienced team can help you overcome:

  • Too much choice – No more of the paralysis by analysis trap businesses fall into as we will test for the optimal incentive balance
  • Trying for perfection – We design, test, and implement a referral program to match your business and goals
  • Incurred costs – Incentives have a cost, but only when you are receiving new referrals and new business

Referral incentive programs are only successful when advocates want to refer. Download the best practices guide and see how Extole can help you build a referral program customers want to partake in.

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