Don’t blow up your ecommerce referral program just yet. Experiment with different approaches to find the one that gets you more customer engagement. Depending on what matters to your customers—recognition or deep discounts—adjust your program accordingly.
This post focuses on customers in the last three stages of the customer journey: purchase, retention, and advocacy. These are customers who’ve purchased something, experienced value, and are the most likely to share referral links within their networks.
If content is king, then video is its hype man. Video takes what makes content successful-targeting and relevance-condenses it into a bite-sized format, and gets audiences more excited and primed for action.
People are more willing to accept referrals from their friends and family compared to just listening to what brands have to say. Brands can leverage this to create more impactful referral programs.
When done right, referral programs have been shown to result in 16% higher sales from referred customers. To ensure that you don’t miss out on the benefits of a strong, well structure program, here are four mistakes to avoid when you create your referral program.
Social referral programs are end-to-end marketing programs that enable brands to reach out to highly-engaged, loyal customers and turn them into “social advocates.”
13 examples from real companies of the best practices for e-commerce referral marketing. Find out what makes each company unique and how to apply these features to your own referral marketing program.
Referring customers across different platforms has to be a seamless experience in order for advocates to take part. Here are five examples of companies that use omnichannel referrals and what we’ve learned from them.